Jun 21, 2023
ANTIC Episode 99 - 10-Year ANTICversary!
In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… We bring in some of our Atari friends and talk about the last 10 years of Atari 8-bit happenings in this celebration of the ten-year anniversary of ANTIC!
Recurring Links
New Atari books scans at archive.org
Atari interview discussion thread on AtariAge
Interview index: here
Links for Items Mentioned in Show:
Scantastix project manual scanning - https://archive.org/search?query=identifier%3Astx_%2A&sort=-publicdate
Editing VCFE videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_e5fSxflvrx86M2x_D5rQLIGjeffQuUM
“How to Excel on Your Atari 600XL and 800XL” by Timothy Knight - https://archive.org/details/how-to-excel-on-your-atari
“Let’s Learn BASIC” by Ben Shneiderman - https://archive.org/details/Let_s_Learn_BASIC
Wade Ripkowski (Inverse ATASCII) text mode libraries for Action!, CC65, and MadPascal:
Inverse ATASCII web site: https://inverseatascii.info
Atari Projects (Jason Moore) - https://atariprojects.org/
Bill Lange, Atari archivist - http://atari8bitads.blogspot.com/
Bill Kendrick, Atari game and utility programmer - http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/atari/
Robin McMullen, Player/Missile podcast https://playermissile.com/
Thom Cherryhomes, FujiNet - https://fujinet.online/
Atariteca: https://www.atariteca.net.pe/
VCF: https://vcfed.org
Old School Gamer Magazine: https://www.oldschoolgamermagazine.com/
Audacity Games (David Crane/Kitchen brothers, Circus Convoy): https://adgm.us/portal/index.html
Jamie Lendino’s Books - https://www.amazon.com/s?k=jamie+lendino&crid=2BJGJAZOJ5A2P&sprefix=jamie+lendino%2Caps%2C98&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
Jason Moore’s Book - https://www.amazon.com/Atari-Projects-Jason-Moore/dp/0578556421