Feb 29, 2024
ANTIC Episode 105 - Secret Club Meeting with Andy Diller
In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we pull together our secret club of Atari hackers, including special guest Andy Diller, and talk FujiNet, archiving disks, VCF SoCal, VCF East, listener feedback and more in an extra-long episode.
Recurring Links
New Atari books scans at archive.org
Atari interview discussion thread on AtariAge
Interview index: here
Links for Items Mentioned in Show:
What we’ve been up to
FujiNet Updates
FujiNet has a cheatsheet- on the wiki - a wealth of info
FujiNet GPT: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-QRB9PLLB4-fujinet
Virtual FujiNet in a File - virtual machine created for virtual box or vmware
FujiNet board for 1090XL
Atari Classroom at VCF East 2024 in April
SWAG: FujiNet, Signed BREAKOUT, VCF bag, Classroom T Shirt
Classes: FujiNet, ACTION!, BASIC, Assembly - info on http://www.vcfed.org
NOS updates- help and binary saves, read from SD card, XEP80 support
FujiNet on 2600 - JeffP is actively working on this
Al_Nafuur on discord playing with a 2600 version of 5 Card Stud? - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/359421-fujinet-for-atari-2600/?do=fi
1090XL expansion unit and 320K RAM board - reifsnyderb
Discussion - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/333084-swutils-simcheck-simtest-osdump/
Purchase - https://www.tindie.com/products/5cfab/1090xl-modernized-reproduction-main-board/
Jersey Atari Computer Group newsletter and PD library archiving:
JACG newsletter and PD disks discussion - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/313036-jersey-atari-computer-group-jacg-disk-archive/
Some archived PD disks - https://archive.org/details/jacg-disks1
VCF SoCal - http://www.vcfsocal.com
Jason Moore - https://atariprojects.org/
Rob Sherman - AtariBBS - https://www.southernamis.com/
The VintNerd - https://thevintnerd.com/index.html
Thom Cherryhomes - FujiNet - https://fujinet.online/
Steve & Jeff Fulton - https://intotheverticalblank.com/
ANTIC Interview 413 - Valerie (Atkinson) Manfull, Atari Game Research Group (2021 interview)
Lee Pappas Interview - ANTIC Interview 19 - The Atari 8-bit Podcast - Lee Pappas, ANALOG (2015)
Atari 400 Mini!!! - https://atari.com/products/atari-400-mini-1
Other “Company that calls itself Atari” shenanigans —
AtariAge High Score Club - therealbountybob - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/360206-hsc21-round-1-super-pacman-new-season-jan-2024-join-in/
CHIP-8 interpreter updates:
BASIC 10-Liner Contest on! - https://www.homeputerium.de/
Nancy Taitt has died:
Henry and Nancy Taitt, Creative Learning Association (2020 interview)
Making new 1020 plotter pens - FieroDoug5 and RetroHax:
Discussion on AtariAge - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/361837-atari-1020-plotter-diy-replacement-pensretrohaxnet/
6th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards:
Awards Show - ZeroPage Homebrew Twitch Stream
Thorn EMI's Wargames "inspired" Computer War is now HighScoreEnabled - Full list at http://apps.irata.online/Atari_8-bit/Games/High%20Score%20Enabled/
Linejewels 0.5 (public beta) - cross platform basic game (c64,atarixl,ms-dos(gw), amstrad, micro bbc) - la1n - https://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=83997
Atari 8 Bit USB-C Power Adapter - Mozzwald - https://mozzwald.com/product/atari-8-bit-usb-c-power-adapter/
next Texas Atari 8-bit Computer Owners (T.A.C.O.) meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th at the National Videogame Museum - https://www.facebook.com/events/7127872797260111/permalink/7127872823926775/
RM 800XL - https://x.com/rm_800xl/status/1757070239672488338
Upcoming Shows
Interim Computer Festival SPRING - March 23rd and 24th, 2024 - Intraspace, Seattle, WA - https://sdf.org/icf/
Midwest Gaming Classic - April 5-7 - Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI - https://www.midwestgamingclassic.com/
VCF East - April 12-14, 2024 - Wall, NJ - http://www.vcfed.org
Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 13-14 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - https://indyclassic.org/
VCF Europa - April 27-28, 2024 - Munich, Germany - https://vcfe.org/E/
VCF Southwest - June 14-16, 2024 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas - https://www.vcfsw.org/
Boatfest Retro Computer Expo - June 14-16 - Hurricane, WV - http://boatfest.info
Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - https://gameatl.com/
Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - http://atarixle.ddns.net/fuji/2024/
Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-28 - Gdansk, Poland - https://www.demoparty.net/silly-venture/silly-venture-2024-se
VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - NEW VENUE TBD - http://vcfmw.org/
Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29, 2024 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - https://retrogamingexpo.com/
Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - https://www.demoparty.net/silly-venture/silly-venture-2024-we
Event page created by Chicago Classic Computing - http://chiclassiccomp.org/events.html
Event page created by Floppy Days - https://www.facebook.com/VintageComputerShows/
YouTube Videos
25 FPS and 3D Action Games to Rock Your Atari400 Mini and Atari8bit - Into the Vertical Blank (the Fulton brothers) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkYhQLx1tqE
All *25* Atari 400 Mini Games!!! Hidden Gems and Classics!!! - Greg’s Game Room - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9vlGMKNvLc
Let's install $800 of upgrades into an Atari 800XL - FlashJazzCat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_XhKtQoLUE
Upgraded Atari 800XL comes back butchered - FlashJazzCat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BBkx4Rw6Mk
Yorky Memory Expansion - Atari 800XL - RetroAndGaming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLsNzeZyaKw
New at Archive.org
Neponset NiteLite Atari BBS Listing 1985 https://archive.org/details/scn-0001_202401
Chris LaBuda - http://vintagegamingmemories.com/
"That Atari Show 63: "Frantic For ANTIC!" ( w/ Special Guest, Bally Alley), Newsline & Kay Savetz" today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxpyfkx9_RU
Atari Wiki - https://atariwiki.org/wiki/