May 27, 2020
Fandal: Atari programer and archivist
Frantisek Houra is better known to the Atari community as Fandal.
He's an Atari computer programmer and long-time archivist of
European Atari software. He has created many original Atari games
and conversions from other platforms: including Fruity Pete, Mashed
Turtles, Crescent Solitaire, and Diamondz.
This interview took place on August 28, 2019, during the Fujiama
Atari conference in Lengenfeld, Germany. Roland Wassenberg sat in
to assist with the interview. Shortly after, Fandal and I and
several other attendees hooked up a multijoy and played some rounds
of Mashed Turtles with six players (up to eight can play), and it
was so. much. fun.
Fandal's web site
Xenophobe game for
sale at Video61