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ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast

hosts: Randy Kindig, Kay Savetz, Brad Arnold
twitter: @AtariPodcast
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Mar 6, 2016

Bob Polin, Blue Max

Bob Polin was the programmer of Blue Max and Blue Max 2001 — both published by Synapse Software, and co-creator of Puzzle Panic with Ken Uston. He also wrote the game "Maxter Mind" which was published by Antic magazine.

This interview took place on February 15, 2016. In it, we discuss Ihor Wolosenko, whom I previously interviewed.

After we did this interview, Bob sent me the floppy disks containing the source code for Blue Max, which I was able to recover. There's a link to the source code in the show notes.

Teaser quote:

"I literally — when I do a game it's very, very intense where I day in and day out do it. I just burnt out, did nothing for a few years."

Blue Max source code:

AtariMania's list of Bob's games:

Maxter Mind:

InfoWorld review of Blue Max:

almost eight years ago

love blue max excellent game from my child hood. and I use it these days also to adjust the heads on tape players as it has a countdown to 0 when it loads.