Feb 21, 2023
ANTIC Episode 96 - Atari Dreams
In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we talk about development for the Atari 8-bit, discuss a couple of highly-modified 800’s, dream about sleeping on an Atari pillow, and bring you all the other Atari 8-bit news we could find!
Recurring Links
New Atari books scans at archive.org
Atari interview discussion thread on AtariAge
Interview index: here
Links for Items Mentioned in Show:
What we’ve been up to
Converting Atari8BitBot to Mastodon with Papa Robot - @Atari8BitBot@oldbytes.space
Scantastix - https://archive.org/search?query=identifier%3Astx_%2A&sort=-publicdate
Dorm game - https://carringtonvanston.net/games/dorm/
ANTIC sign - https://m.aliexpress.us/item/3256804531104852.html
BASIC 10-liner contest - https://gkanold.wixsite.com/homeputerium
Action! Tutorial at YouTube by David Arlington - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ8ABW8rY40
Browser-based Eastern Front 1941:
How to Use Classic Atari, Commodore and Sinclair Software on Your Mac - https://appleinsider.com/inside/macos/tips/how-to-use-classic-atari-commodore-and-sinclair-software-on-your-mac
Atari Software Pack - Dean Garraghty (Scotland) - DGS Software - http://www.dgs.clara.net/
APX Atlas program - https://community.a8preservation.com/t/dumps-dumps-dumps/205/579
James Shackel passed away - https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/legacyremembers/james-shackel-obituary?id=39585348
SuperSIO Splitter by Sikor - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/314342-supersio-splitter/
Mr. Robot 3D printing models:
Readytari items at Red Bubble by Steve Boswell (Mr. Robot) - https://www.redbubble.com/people/choccyhobnob/works/52776330-readytari-ntsc?carousel_pos=21&ref=work_carousel_work_portfolio&ref_id=30853044
Elite port - https://youtu.be/khhxWsZ7WC8
Goto10 newsletter - https://www.goto10retro.com/
Mathy's new and improved homepage - https://mathyvannisselroy.nl/index.htm
Compiling a new Atari OS By reifsnyderb - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/347696-compiling-a-new-atari-os/
hardware upgrades for all 8-bits by Brian Reifsnyder (reifsnyderb) - https://5cfab.com/
Weird Modded Atari 800 Computer - https://www.ebay.com/itm/255980663210
Atari computer pillow - https://www.8bittees.com/product/atari-800-pillow/
Chip-8 emulation on Atari:
5th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/347449-5th-annual-atari-homebrew-awards-voting-information-discussion/
Upcoming Shows
VCF East 2023 - Apr 14-16, 2023 - InfoAge Science and History Museums, Wall, NJ - https://vcfed.org/events/vintage-computer-festival-east/
Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 29 & 30 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - https://indyclassic.org/
KansasFest, the largest and longest running annual Apple II conference - July 18-23, 2023 - Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri - https://www.kansasfest.org/
Southern Fried Gaming Expo - July 28-30 2023 - Cobb Galleria Atlanta, GA - https://gameatl.com/ Keep an eye on the VCFSE section of the VCFED site for exhibit signups and more details.Use the discount code “INSERTCOIN” to save $5.
Portland Retro Gaming Expo - October 13-15, 2023 - Oregon Convention Center - https://retrogamingexpo.com/
YouTube Videos
5th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards Nominee Playthrough Part 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8L7MFrGMjI
40th Anniversary of the excellent Atari 600 by The Centre for Computing History - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh3DEUO-V4o
"Square Monuments" 256 Byte Intro Atari XL/XE LoveByte 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJmfJ2G8PSwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJmfJ2G8PSw
VGA from a VBXE Atari 800 - FlashJazzCat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4RBDY0Y100
New at Archive.org
Hungarian Bit-Let - https://archive.org/details/bitlet_1983_1986
New at Github