Oct 27, 2019
ANTIC Special Episode — Atari 800 series computers: 40
This is Antic, the Atari 8-bit podcast. I'm Kevin Savetz. On
Saturday, October 19, 2019 I had the privilege of taking part in a
panel at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. The session was titled
"Atari 800 series computers: 40 years." The panelists were Joe
Decuir, one of the hardware designers of the Atari 400 and 800;
David Crane, who was one of the developers of the Atari's operating
system before he famously left Atari to co-found Activision; and
The session was attended by roughly 50 people. There were some
difficulties getting Joe's computer to throw its video to the
projector, and you can hear some fussing with that in the recording
before it gets resolved. I had a great time participating in this
panel celebrating the Atari 800's 40th birthday.
Joe Decuir's
slide deck for this panel
Decuir 1977 Engineering Notebook
Decuir 1978 Engineering Notebook