May 8, 2021
Bob Puff, Computer Software Services
Bob Puff is owner of Computer Software Services, a company that
began creating hardware and software for the Atari 8-bit computers
in 1982. Bob became president of the company in 1991. He designed a
bevy of hardware products for the Atari computers, including The
Black Box, a hard drive host adapter; The Multiplexer, a networking
system; the UltraSpeed Plus operating system upgrade; upgrades for
the XF551 floppy drive; the Super-E Burner EPROM burner; and
others. He also created a number of popular utility programs,
including the BobTerm terminal program; Disk Communicator, to
convert boot disks to a single compressed file for transfer over
modem; and MYDOS version 4.53; among other software.
This interview took place on April 27, 2021.
Computer Software Services
legacy site
Computer Software Services catalog scan
ANTIC Interview 393 - Charles Marslett, MYDOS and FastChip