Aug 16, 2020
Charles Marslett, MYDOS and FastChip
Charles Marslett wrote floppy disk and hard drive drivers for
Percom, and was the creator of MYDOS, a disk operating system for
the Atari 8-bit computers that offered support for double density
sectors, subdirectories, and hard drives. He also created FastChip,
a hardware add-on for the Atari, sold by Newell Industries, that
claimed to speed up floating point routines by 300%. He also
created the A65 Assembler, a macro assembler. He has released the
source code for MYDOS and FastChip.
This interview took place on July 13, 2020.
Charles' web site
MyDOS at
MyDOS 3.0
User Guide
Assembler at AtariWiki
ANTIC Interview 212 - Wes Newell, Newell Industries
ANTIC Interview 7 - The Atari 8-bit Podcast - Bill Wilkinson,
ANTIC Interview 11 - The Atari 8-bit Podcast - David Small
ANTIC Interview 22 - The Atari 8-bit Podcast - Kathleen O'Brien,
Zen of Assembly Language by
Michael Abrash
Zen of Assembly Language by Michael Abrash: free eBook version; code at GitHub