Mar 25, 2017
Peter Shankman, Help A Reporter Out
Peter Shankman is a well-known American entrepreneur and author. He was creator of Help A Reporter Out, and author of several business books. He got his start in technology with an Atari 2600 and an Apple ][.
This interview took place on March 20, 2017.
Teaser quote: "What would you change, if you could go back and talk to your 10-year-old self? I wouldn't change a thing. Because the hell that I went through there has led to, pretty much, the majority of the success I've had today, and I'm very very lucky with that. I can trace that back to the Atari, to the 2600, to those games..."
Video version of this interview:
I didn't enjoy this interview because Peter had a bit too much to say about himself. I know that sounds hyper-critical since it's an interview yet I feel the conversation drifted to non-tech related personal issues too much. I now know he can type 100 WPm and his handwriting needs work. Hmm...couldn't finish this one. Thanks for all the interviews though Randy.