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ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast

hosts: Randy Kindig, Kay Savetz, Brad Arnold
twitter: @AtariPodcast
on iTunes, Google PodcastsAmazon Music
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Mar 15, 2017

Joe Grande, Monkey Up A Tree

Joe Grande published one program for the Atari computers: Monkey Up A Tree was published by Atari Program Exchange, and first appeared in the winter 1982-1983 APX catalog. 

This interview took place on March 14, 2017.

Monkey Up A Tree in the winter 1982 APX catalog

James Shackel
almost eight years ago

The host's empathy during this interview was appreciated. This elderly man must have suffered from a stroke prior to the conversation. Way to handle it so well. Anyone thinking about how easy podcasting is should give this episode a listen. Patience is a virtue especially when working with our elderly pioneers.