Jun 29, 2024
ANTIC Episode 108 - Randy’s Eyes Are Bleeding!
In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer
Podcast… Kay visits VCFSW and the National Videogame Museum, tapes
from the famous Computer Cafe are found, Atari acquires
Intellivision, and Randy’s eyes start bleeding from watching
YouTube videos 24x7…
Recurring Links
New Atari books scans at archive.org
Atari interview discussion thread on AtariAge
Interview index: here
Links for Items Mentioned in Show:
What we’ve been up to
VCF SW, National Videogame Museum - https://nvmusa.org
Development disk for Tom Hudson's "Adventure at Vendenberg A.F.B." - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/234684-atari-8-bit-software-preservation-initiative/?do=findComment&comment=5472339
Sunday Driver - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/234684-atari-8-bit-software-preservation-initiative/page/110/#comment-5473357
Famous Computer Cafe - https://archive.org/details/famous-computer-cafe https://www.gofundme.com/f/digitizing-the-famous-computer-cafe
Steve Roberts - https://microship.com/
A8PICO by Electrotrains -
USB-C power supply adapter from Mozzwald - https://mozzwald.com/product/atari-8-bit-usb-c-power-adapter/
Atari photo shoot at IVCC - https://www.facebook.com/groups/IndyVCC
Recent Interviews
ANTIC Interview 437 - Dr. Kristina Hooper Woolsey, Atari Research Labs and Apple Multimedia Lab - https://ataripodcast.libsyn.com/antic-interview-437-kristina-hooper-woolsey-atari-research-labs-and-apple-multimedia-labs
FujiNet RAPID 7& 8 - Andy Diller - https://www.atariorbit.org/rapid/
video on using CONFIG-NG the alternative CONFIG for Atari - video by Andy Diller - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2is_kDYQHpA
How Google's Rampant Sunnyvale Expansion Is Erasing Atari's History - https://www.timeextension.com/news/2024/04/how-googles-rampant-sunnyvale-expansion-is-erasing-ataris-history
https://www.facer.io/u/atari - Atari watch faces for smart watches
AtariAge thread on the RetroScaler from AliExpress - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/366479-aliexpress-retrotink-equivalent-2x-scaler-with-hdmi-output
Revive RM 800XL box design!
Atari acquires Intellivision! - https://x.com/atari/status/1793616648890470410
Living Computer Museum is dead:
New game “Shift” - https://h4plo.itch.io/shift
Atari 50 Update - https://www.engadget.com/ataris-50th-anniversary-collection-is-getting-a-hefty-update-with-nearly-40-additional-games-150827022.html
Wireless tape player interface from Piotr Bugaj:
Thanks to @TheTime, Tandy Trower's Character Set Editor published by APX is finally available after all these years:
Kay’s 2015 interview- http://ataripodcast.libsyn.com/antic-interview-77-tandy-trower-atari-product-manager
1050 mini. Brand new floppy drive for Atari XL by Piotr Bugaj:
New 576NUC+ 4-in-1 Expansion Module - The NUCplus4 - https://forums.atariage.com/topic/355107-new-576nuc-4-in-1-expansion-module-the-nucplus4/
Upcoming Shows
KansasFest, the largest and longest running annual Apple II conference - July 16-21 (in-person), July 27-28 (virtual) - University of Illinois in Springfield, IL - https://www.kansasfest.org/
Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - https://gameatl.com/
Nottingham Video Game Expo - July 20-21 - The Belgrave Rooms, Nottingham, U.K. - https://www.nottsvge.com/
Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - http://atarixle.ddns.net/fuji/2024/
Vintage Computer Festival West - August 2-3 - Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA - https://vcfed.org/events/vintage-computer-festival-west/
Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-18 - Gdansk, Poland - https://www.demoparty.net/silly-venture/silly-venture-2024-se
VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL - http://vcfmw.org/
VCF Europe - September 7-8 - Munich, Germany - https://vcfe.org/E/
Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - https://retrogamingexpo.com/
Retro Computer Festival 2024 - November 9-10 - Centre for Computing History, Cambridge, England - https://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/72253/Retro-Computer-Festival-2024-Saturday-9th-November/
Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - https://www.demoparty.net/silly-venture/silly-venture-2024-we
YouTube Videos
Atari 800XL with GTIAdigitizer and RGB2HDMI - FlashJazzCat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG3qhwUELaY
Atari 810 drives with issues - Adrian’s Digital Basement - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfU0w883jGE
A8PicoCart for the Atari 8-bit machines - Building and testing - Arctic Retro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTWXNF7n6Xw
Soldering-Up an A8PicoCart for your Atari - The VintNerd - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8cQarAvKoU
Atari 400 Mini cartridges and disk drive - GameRoomOfThrones - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7A_aiusVY94
Atari 8-Bit: Mikie (Final), Missile Command Arcade w/ Trak-Ball (Final), Shift (Exclusive Final) - ZeroPage HomeBrew - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaPlb47Fbk0
New at Archive.org
Atari Technische Informatie NR 12 Printer-Problemen - https://archive.org/details/atari-technische-informatie-nr-12-printer-problemen
James Copland on the Computer Cafe - https://archive.org/details/the-famous-computer-cafe-1985-02-08_James_Copland
Jersey Atari Computer Group Newsletter, July, 1985 - https://archive.org/details/jacg-newsletter-1985-july-vol-4-no-11
JACG newsletters scanned spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkznDDlOL2O_K-RrbkajIuo6DvYof6Ajrn7j9NTcoDM/edit?usp=sharing
Scene World podcast Ep. #189 - THE400 Mini with Darren Melbourne - https://archive.org/details/scene_world_podcast_episode189_april_2024
AtariUser Magazine Summer (July) 1992 - https://archive.org/details/atari-user-1992-07